SAARC Development Goals (SDGs) are regionalized from of Millennium Development
Goals, with some additional targets and indicators, for the period of five
years, 2007-12. The terminal year of SDGs has been extended
from 2012 to 2015 to coincide with the Millennium Development Goals.
Goal-wise complete list of indicators used in various
statistical appraisals has been given as under:
SDGs Framework: Goals & Indicators
Livelihood SDGs
Goal 1: Eradication of
Hunger Poverty
Indicator 1: Malnutrition in children under five
Indicator 2: Malnutrition for overall population
(in average intake)
Goal 2: Halve proportion of
people in poverty by 2012
Indicator 1: Percentage of people living on less
than 1$ per day (PPP terms)
Indicator 2: Head count poverty ratio based on
nationally determined poverty line(s)
Goal 3: Ensure adequate
nutrition and dietary improvement for the poor
Indicator 1: Percentage of the poor covered by
various food support programmes
Indicator 2: Micro-nutrient supplements e.g. Percentage
of people having access to Vitamin A, iodized salt, etc.
Goal 4: Ensure a robust
pro-poor growth process
Indicator 1: Budgetary/ fiscal expenditure for
pro-poor growth sectors as Percentage of GDP, and as Percentage of total
government expenditures
Indicator 2: Percentage of poor covered by
micro-credit and similar programmes
Indicator 3: Reduction of income/consumption
inequality (Gini Coefficient)
Indicator 4: Rate of growth of employment
Indicator 5: Assets ownership by poor
(quantifiable indicators to be developed)
Goal 5: Strengthen
connectivity of poorer regions and of poor as social group
Indicator 1: Transport connectivity for the poor
in rural areas (e.g., length of rural roads, availability of boats per 1000
population, average time/distance to reach nearest road/major population
Indicator 2: Communications connectivity: Percentage
of people using telephone/cell Phone
Indicator 3: Percentage of rural population
having access to electricity
Indicator 4: Representation of the excluded in
local government
Indicator 5: Mass media connectivity: percentage
of people using TV and radio
Goal 6: Reduce social and
institutional vulnerability of the poor, women and children
Indicator 1: Percentage of children who are
Indicator 2: Share of women in employment
Indicator 3: Coverage or amount of public
expenditure as Percentage of GDP on Social Protection for the Vulnerable Groups
Indicator 4: Early marriage
Indicator 5: Birth registration
Indicator 6: Sex ratio at birth
Goal 7: Ensure access to
affordable justice
Indicator 1: Average time required in disposal of
legal disputes
Indicator 2: Access to alternate disputes
Indicator 3: Access to free legal aid for the
poor (marginalized group)
Goal 8: Ensure effective
participation of poor and of women in anti-poverty policies and programmes
Indicator 1: Percentage of women in local
governments/ parliament/ civil services
Indicator 2: Gender Budgeting
Health SDGs
Goal 9: Maternal health
Indicator 1: Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)
Indicator 2: Percentage of births covered by the
skilled birth attendants
Indicator 3: Life expectancy of women as a ratio
of life expectancy of men
Indicator 4: Age specific fertility rate of 15 to
24 years girls
Goal 10: Child health
Indicator 1: Immunization coverage (measles can
be a proxy)
Indicator 2: Under 5 mortality rate (U5MR)
Indicator 3: Infant Mortality Rate
Indicator 4: Neo-natal mortality rate
Goal 11: Affordable health
Indicator 1: Out of pocket expenditure on health
as Percentage of total household expenditure
Indicator 2: Total government expenditure on
health as a Percentage of GDP
Indicator 3: Percentage of budget allocated to
primary health care vis-à-vis total health budget
Indicator 4: Number of doctors per 1000
Goal 12: Improved hygiene and
public health
Indicator 1: Percentage of population with access
to safe drinking water
Indicator 2: Percentage of population having
access to sanitation
Indicator 3: Policies on health education
Indicator 4: Prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS, TB,
Education SDGs
Goal 13: Access to
primary/community schools for all children, boys and girls
Indicator 1: Percentage of children having access
to primary schools by distance
Indicator 2: Gross Enrolment Rate/Net Enrolment
Indicator 3: Public expenditure on education in
terms of GDP
Indicator 4: Gender parity at primary and
secondary level
Goal 14: Completion of
primary education cycle
Indicator 1: Survival rates (along with drop-out)
Goal 15: Universal
functional literacy
Indicator 1: Adult literacy rate
Goal 16: Quality education
at primary, secondary and vocational levels
Indicator 1: Percentage of trained teachers
Indicator 2: Students teacher ratio
Indicator 3: Percentage of schools with toilets
for girls
Environment SDGs
Goal 17: Acceptable level of
forest cover
Indicator 1: Percentage of forest cover
Indicator 2: Percentage or extent of
community/social forest
Goal 18: Acceptable level of
water and soil quality
Indicator 1: Chemical fertilizers/ pesticides
consumption per ha of arable land
Indicator 2: Percentage of contaminated
wells/water sources
Goal 19: Acceptable level of
air quality
Indicator 1: Carbon dioxide emissions
Indicator 2: Particulate matter in the major
metropolitan centers
Indicator 3: Percentage of firewood in total
energy mix
Goal 20: Conservation of
Indicator 1: Percentage and number of protected
areas out of the total land area
Indicator 2: Number of protected species
Goal 21: Wetland
Indicator 1: Number and Percentage of protected
wetland/Ramsar sites
Goal 22: Ban on dumping of
hazardous waste, including radio-active waste
Indicator 1: Solid waste generation per capita
Indicator 2: Percentage of waste treated
Indicator 3: Regulatory framework for hazardous
waste treatment in place
the SDGs express the regional will for a comprehensive and strategic response
to the problem of poverty and social development, the formulation of specific
targets and indicators for these goals were left to be carried out at the
individual country level.
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