Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Will the Delhi Government Odd-Even Rule solve pollution problem in Delhi? Little Analysis Leading to Some More Suggestions

Some Suggestions for Controlling the Delhi’s Air Pollution

Now a day, news is hot on pollution control in Delhi City, as it is at a very alarming level.  Situation is not very new, but if there is a thinking of improving the position for the public at large one should welcome it.

There are only following five points/places in Delhi where measurement of PM 2.5 (mainly) is being taken in order to monitor the pollution:

  1. New Delhi US Embassy (Central Delhi)
  2. Mandir Marg (Central Delhi)
  3. R.K. Puram (South Delhi)
  4. Panjabi Bagh (West Delhi)
  5. Anand Vihar (East Delhi)

The most common measure adopted by these five stated points is to have PM 2.5, which measures only one of the pollutant (Particulate Matter).  This particulate matter is produced by any fuel combustion, power station, construction activities, industrial processes, diesel vehicle exhaust, re-suspended road dust, domestic refuse burning, domestic wood. Delhi is not a small place.  We need to have many such centers where the pollution level should be measured.  There is a recent upcoming rule of Delhi Government in respect of allowing only half the private cars (and may be bikes as well) on road in order to control pollution in Delhi.  As the vehicles produce other pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen & carbon oxides in abundance, we need to measure the same also as these are other more serious pollutants for living beings.  Otherwise, it would be difficult or rather unconvincing to decide on the measure suggested by the Government. 

The measure suggested by the upcoming rule of Delhi Government in order to control pollution may not yield the desired levels of pollution on the facts stated below:

No doubt, it is very hard to implement the forthcoming odd-even Delhi Government Rule.

One may note that the measure (PH2.5) adopted will not capture the pollutants produced by all petrol vehicles. Cars are Bharat IV petrol compliant too. Rather the existing policy of checking pollution control certificates need to be done in the strictest possible way.  Diesel running vehicles and that too the old ones are the real ones to be tackled first. Particularly, the commercial vehicles like trucks and diesel cars have been kept outside the purview of the stated odd-even rule. These vehicles do not adhere to the norms fixed by transport authorities.  Even required diesel, which emits less pollution, is not available or provided by the Government. These old diesel vehicles should be removed altogether from Delhi Roads.  The others should be reduced quite in number for controlling the desired pollution on roads. 

Lot of fuel gets burnt by the vehicles, which can be saved as well it will definitely help in pollution control if there is no Delhi Road Jams. Measures are to be thought in more meaningful ways to solve the problem.  Unnecessary constructions need to be stopped/ not permitted which cause these Jams.  Every vehicle should be serviced at regular intervals – could be seen at the time of issue of pollution check certificates.   Quick ways need to be adopted to remove the stopped vehicles on the road lanes.  Mixing of slow moving vehicles with fast moving vehicles should not be allowed as the same is one of the cause of accidents and hence the Jams. The traffic police are not at all enforcing any discipline on the vehicles, which are slow in moving and are not being run on the extreme left lane.  This is another important cause of accidents and hence jams.  In Delhi, there are many points on the dozen of important roads where the width of the road gets narrowed at those points and thus in the peak hours, jams occur due to this reason.  Remedial actions are definitely needed.

Closing of power stations is no doubt is a welcome suggestion by Delhi Government.  But what about uncontrolled construction activities and industrial processes in respect of pollution producing in the air to a large extent. 

Road dust is one of the other criminals, which we need to reduce to large extent.  We have witnessed a number of times that the PM 2.5 levels gets reduced in rainy season, thus we need to take care of this mode of producing pollution to a large extent. 

We do see that many persons who are involved in burning the waste and refuse, which gets collected.  Even tires do burn in posh/VIP colonies of Delhi. Burning of domestic wood, particularly in houses in slums and resettlement colonies is another important factor, which the government authorities need to address. 

One should consider the above facts/observations while taking measures for sure success.

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