The National Sample Survey Office
(NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the
key indicators of household consumer expenditure in India, generated from the
data collected during July 2011–June 2012 in its 68th round survey
just recently.
Some salient findings of the
survey relating to monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) based on modified
mixed reference period (MMRP) are as follows:
1. The all-India estimate of average MPCE was around Rs.1430 for rural
India and about Rs.2630 for urban India. Thus average urban MPCE was
about 84% higher than average rural MPCE for the country as a whole, though
there were wide variations in this differential across States.
2. For rural India, the 5th percentile of the MPCE distribution was
estimated as Rs.616 and the 10th percentile as Rs.710. The median MPCE was
Rs.1198. Only about 10% of the rural population reported household MPCE above
Rs.2296 and only 5% reported MPCE above Rs.2886.
3. For urban India, the 5th percentile of the MPCE distribution was Rs.827
and the 10th percentile, Rs.983. The median MPCE was Rs.2019. Only
about 10% of the urban population reported household MPCE above Rs.4610 and
only 5% reported MPCE above Rs.6383.
4. For the average rural Indian, food accounted for 52.9% of the value of
consumption during 2011-12. This included 10.8% for cereals and cereal
substitutes, 8% for milk and milk products, 7.9% on beverages, refreshments and
processed food, and 6.6% on vegetables. Among non-food item categories, fuel
and light for household purposes (excluding transportation) accounted for 8%,
clothing and footwear for 7%, medical expenses for 6.7%, education for 3.5%, conveyance
for 4.2%, other consumer services (excl. conveyance) for 4%, and consumer
durables for 4.5%.
5. For the average urban Indian, 42.6% of the value of household
consumption was accounted for by food, including 9% by beverages,
refreshments and processed food, 7% by milk and milk products, and 6.7% by
cereals and cereal substitutes. Education accounted for 6.9%, medical accounted
for 5.5%, fuel and light for 6.7%, conveyance for 6.5%, clothing & footwear
for 6.4%, other consumer services (excl. conveyance) for 5.6%, durable goods
for 5.3% and rent for 6.2%. Taxes and cesses account for just 0.8%.
6. Comparatively, for an average rural Indian incur
more consumption expenditure in proportion on food items except fruits and
beverages, medical, intoxicants, fuel and light and clothing & footwear
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