Probability of Death across the globe
The following is as per the data
provided by WHO for the year 2012.
Imagine a diverse international group
of 1000 individuals representative of the women, men and children from all over
the globe who died in 2012.
Of those 1000 people,
- 133 would have
come from low-income countries, 356 from lower-middle-income countries,
302 from upper-middle-income countries and 209 from high-income countries.
- 143 would have
been children under 15 years of age, 407 adults aged 15-69 years old and
450 adults aged 70 years and older.
More than half (514) of these 1000 deaths would have been
caused by the following 10 top conditions given below:
Cause of Death
Percentage to Total No.
of Deaths
Ischemic Heart Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Lower Respiratory Infections
Trachea Bronchus Lung Cancers
Diarrheal Diseases
Diabetes Mellitus
Road Injury
Hypertensive Heart Disease
Thus the above implies for a global
person that
- The probability of dying is the lowest if the person belongs to low-income countries and is highest if the person belongs to lower-middle-income countries and the same are 0.133 and 0.356 respectively. The same is 0.302 and 0.209 if one belongs to upper-middle-income countries and to high-income countries respectively.
- The probability of dying is the lowest if one is child under 15 years of age and is 0.143. The probability of dying for adults aged 15-69 years old is 0.407 and 0.45 for adults aged 70 years and older.
- The probability of dying is 0.514 for individuals with any of the above listed ten top causes of death in the world.
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