The Sample
Registration System 2013 data says India's TFR, which had remained stagnant in
2011 and 2012 at 2.4, finally has dropped by 0.1 points in 2013. Education
mainly of fair sex has been found to play a major role in influencing TFR. Total Fertility rate in India has fallen from
3.2 in 2000 to 2.3 in 2013. Thus, at
the all India level, India have not reached replacement-level fertility rate of
2.1, but the gap is now not that alarming as it was in the year 2000. In the year 2012, TFR varied from
2.6 in rural areas to 1.8 in urban areas.
It seems that at present, a rural woman
(having a TFR of 2.6) at the National level would have about one child more
than an urban woman (having a TFR of 1.8).
In order to tackle the problem, one need to focus on rural areas
that too in the States/UTs of Bihar, UP, MP,
Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Assam and Gujarat, Haryana, Arunachal
Pradesh, Meghalaya and D&N Haveli.
According to the SRS 2013 data, twenty-three states/uts have
achieved replacement level fertility of 2.1 and below. However, 12 states/Uts
still have a higher TFR than this. These include Bihar (3.4), UP (3.1), MP
(2.9), Rajasthan (2.8), Jharkhand (2.7), Chhattisgarh (2.6), Assam and Gujarat
(2.3), Haryana (2.2), Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and D&N Haveli. For the
latter three states/UTs the data is not available for the year 2008 onwards,
but seeing the time series data one may expect the same as mentioned here. Among the bigger States, it varies
from 1.7 in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal to 3.5 in
Bihar. For rural areas, it varies from 1.7 in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and
Tamil Nadu to 3.6 in Bihar. For urban areas, such variation is from 1.2 in
Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal to 2.5 in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Chart 15
presents levels of TFR by residence for India and bigger States, 2012.
which have not recorded a dip in TFR in 2013 as against 2012, include many
states and the states are Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and Jummu
& Kashmir. The dip had been in other
major states was only by one point except for Uttar Pradesh it was by two points.
According to the National Population Policy 2000, India should
have reached the replacement-level fertility rate of 2.1 by 2010, and ought to
attain population stabilization at 1450 million by 2045. Population
stabilization is when the size of the population remains unchanged. It is also
called the stage of zero population growth. However, India now expects to reach
the population stabilization TFR of 2.1 at 1650 million by 2060.
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